Strange floating orbs and unexplained hovering objects have all been recorded and reported to the Ministry of Defence in the last six months. A total of 231 sightings of unidentified flying objects have been passed on to the MoD so far this year, according to The Sun. This compares to 285 in 2008, 135 in 2007 and 97 in 2006. The number of sightings is thought to have increased because many more people now carry digital cameras and are able to photograph strange objects. Nick Pope, who used to run the Government's UFO project and is considered a leading authority on UFOs, told The Sun: "We are now on track for a record year. "I thought the number of UFOs reported last year was high, but we now know they are being reported in increasing numbers”.(Immagine: un Ufo ripreso dai tecnici della Nasa)
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